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Назва: History of origin, advantages and disadvantages, vectors of application of the diaphonization method: current state of the problem
Автори: Liutenko, Mykhailo
Hromko, Yevheniia
Tretiakov, Arsenii
Myroshnychenko, Mykhailo
Vovk, Oleg
Grigorov, Sergiy
Upatova, Iryna
Dekhtiarova, Olena
Kadenko, Iryna
Ключові слова: diaphonization, morphology, history of origin, advantages and disadvantages, clinical medicine, experimental me- dicine, botany
Дата публікації: 2023
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article deals with the method of diaphonization, which consists in clarification and staining of tissues, organs and whole organisms for long-term storage in the form of preparations as one of the modern methods of morphological research and, in general, a powerful tool for studying the internal structure and topography of organisms. The authors have analyzed the history of the diaphonization method, its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages include the ability to study the internal anatomy without destroying the object, detailing structures, preserving samples for further research, and the possibility of combining with other modern research methods. Despite its advantages, the diaphonization method also has certain limitations and disadvantages (possible deformation of structures, loss of color, time and space complexity, and limitations in application to certain types of organisms). With its three main application vectors (clinical, experimental, and botanical), the diaphonization method is an essential tool for researchers in many fields, which continues to evolve and find new applications, improving the overall scientific picture of understanding the structure of organisms and contributing to scientific progress. The article also highlights the importance and prospects of combining the diaphonization method with other techniques to determine a more accurate picture of the relative location and structural features of certain tissues, organs, and systems.
Опис: History of origin, advantages and disadvantages, vectors of application of the diaphonization method: current state of the problem / Mykhailo Liutenko, Yevheniia Hromko, Tretiakov, Mykhailo Myroshnychenko, Oleg Vovk, Sergiy Kadenko // Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski : polish medical journal, 2023. – LI, 6. – P. 632-637
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/3989
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті

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