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Назва: The influence of loads of various magnitudes and directions on the visual acuity of high-qualified visually impaired sprinters
Автори: Adzhametova, Leilia
Shesterova, Liudmyla
Ключові слова: Гострота зору, порушення зору, візометрія, підготовчий період
Visual acuity, visual impairment, visometry, preparatory period
Дата публікації: 2023
Короткий огляд (реферат): Purpose: determine the impact of loads of different magnitudes and directions on the visual acuity of a highly qualified female athlete with visual impairments, specializing in sprinting. Material & methods. The study was conducted in the general preparatory pe¬riod of the annual training cycle with the participation of the Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine in athletics among athletes with visual impairments. The following research methods were used: analysis of documentary materials (diaries and preparation plans of the studied athlete), pedagogical observation; Pedagogical experiment (author’s experi¬ment), visometry, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. It has been established that an increase in the load has a negative effect on visual acuity. The results obtained in the course of the study indicate a general trend in the response of both eyes to a load of a different nature. Conclusions. The use in the preparatory period of loads of a strength orienta¬tion, complex for endurance, coordination and flexibility, leads to an increase in visual acuity, which in turn has a positive effect on the functional state of the visual analyzer. Large loads aimed at speed endurance and having a speed-strength character lead to a decrease in visual acuity and, as a result, negatively affect the functional state of the visual analyzer.
Опис: Adzhametova L., Shesterova L. The influence of loads of various magnitudes and directions on the visual acuity of high-qualified visually impaired sprinters / L. Adzhametova, L. Shesterova // Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport.- 2023. – Vol. – 27, №1. – p. 48-53
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/3099
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