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Назва: Neuropsychological Bases of Self-Improvement of Own Physical Health of Future Teachers in the Course of University Education
Автори: Kosholap, Anatolii
Maksymchuk, Borys
Branitska, Tetiana
Martynets, Liliia
Boichenko, Artem
Stoliarenko, Oksana
Matsuk, Lyudmyla
Surovov, Oleksii
Stoliarenko, Olena
Maksymchuk, Iryna
Ключові слова: педагогічні умови, етапи навчання, фізичне самовдосконалення, програма самовдосконалення, педагогічна підтримка, самоконтроль
pedagogical conditions, training stages, physical self-improvement, self-improvement program, pedagogical support, self-control
педагогические условия, этапы обучения, физическое самосовершенствование, программа, самосовершенствование, педагогическая поддержка, самоконтроль
Дата публікації: 2021
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article says that despite the decline in health as a professional value and self-realization, future teachers have neurobiological inclinations for self-improvement and reflection. In this regard, new pedagogical conditions and stages of the formation of students 'readiness for physical self-improvement are proposed, namely: students' awareness of the importance of health as a necessary prerequisite for personal and professional self-realization; their mastery of diagnostic techniques, reflective analysis and practical skills to improve their own physical condition; providing pedagogical support for students in physical self-improvement. The experimental stage used a set of methods and techniques: step ergometry, Rufier's and Cooper's tests, watching movies, photos, test tasks, observations, interviews, questionnaires, expert assessments and etc. The number of students being at the local reflexive level increased from 12.2% to 22.2% and at the adaptive algorithmic level – from 28.1% to 41.3%. The percentage of students at the directive empirical level of competency in physical self-improvement decreased from 52.4% to 21.4%. The effectiveness of the designed Abstract: The article says that despite the decline in health as a professional value and self-realization, future teachers have neurobiological inclinations for self-improvement and reflection. In this regard, new pedagogical conditions and stages of the formation of students 'readiness for physical self-improvement are proposed, namely: students' awareness of the importance of health as a necessary prerequisite for personal and professional self-realization; their mastery of diagnostic techniques, reflective analysis and practical skills to improve their own physical condition; providing pedagogical support for students in physical self-improvement. The experimental stage used a set of methods and techniques: step ergometry, Rufier's and Cooper's tests, watching movies, photos, test tasks, observations, interviews, questionnaires, expert assessments and etc. s
Опис: Neuropsychological Bases of Self-Improvement of Own Physical Health of Future Teachers in the Course of University Education / А. Kosholap, B. Maksymchuk, T. Branitska, L. Martynets, A. Boichenko, O. Stoliarenko, L. Matsuk, O. Surovov, O. Stoliarenko, I. Maksymchuk // BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2021. – Vol. – 12. – № 3. – Р. 171–190.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/2690
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