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dc.contributor.authorRoganova, Мarina-
dc.contributor.authorYatsenko, Victoria-
dc.contributor.authorOnischuk, Tatiana-
dc.descriptionRoganova M. Educational Activities of a Teacher from the Point of View of Humanitarian Methodology / M. Roganova, V. Yatsenko, T. Onischuk // Вісник Луганського нац. ун-ту ім. Тараса Шевченка. Педагогічні науки. – 2020. – № 7 (338). –С. 84–94.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe article examines the issues of educational activity of a modern teacher from the point of view of humanitarian methodology, which is based on the subject-subject relationship of the teacher and the pupil; states that the humanistic position of the educator presupposes the presence of deep knowledge about a person, about the laws of his development, his place in the world around him.en_US
dc.subjectнавчальна діяльність, міждисциплінарний підхід, гуманітарна методологія, екзистенційна філософія, синергетика, акмеологія, герменевтикаen_US
dc.subjecteducational activity, interdisciplinary approach, humanitarian methodology, existential philosophy, synergetics, acmeology, hermeneuticsen_US
dc.subjectучебная деятельность, междисциплинарный подход, гуманитарная методология, экзистенциальная философия, синергетика, акмеология, герменевтикаen_US
dc.titleEducational Activities of a Teacher from the Point of View of Humanitarian Methodologyen_US
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