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dc.contributor.authorDorosh, T.-
dc.contributor.authorOstapenko, L-
dc.descriptionDorosh T. Creative activity of future teachers of music art in the remote learning process / T. Dorosh , L. Ostapenko // Abstracts of I International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Berlin, Germany, 2021. - 564−567 pp. - Available at : DOI: 10.46299/ISG.2021.I.I URL: https://isg-konf.coen_US
dc.description.abstractOnline education should be based on the principles of democracy, humanism, the unity of learning, education and development, science etc., and human being should be its highest value. In this aspect, online education of future teachers of music is focused on the cultural development of the individual while not forgetting about the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, which will be implemented in further professional activitiesen_US
dc.subjectdistance education, creativity, activity, future music teacheren_US
dc.subjectдистанційна освіта, творчість, активність, майбутній учитель музикиen_US
dc.subjectдистанционное образование, творчество, активность, будущий учитель музыкиen_US
dc.titleCreative activity of future teachers of music art in the remote learning processen_US
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