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Title: Optical polarization shift measuring system
Authors: Bosin, Mark
Brodsky, Seva
Pasichnyk, Leonid
Keywords: Неінвазивний глюкометр, концентрація глюкози, оптична поляризація, лазерний діод, лінійно-поляризований
Non-invasive glucometer, concentration of glucose, optical polarization, laser diode, linear polarized
Неинвазивный глюкометр, концентрация глюкозы, оптическая поляризация, лазерный диод, линейно-поляризованый
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: A non-invasive device for measuring concentration levels of optically active substances, such as glucose, by determination of polarization plane turn angle in the infrared spectrum. Instant embodiments, measuring optical polarization shift, include a narrow-band optical source having a first linear polarizer; substantially illuminated by the source, a sample stage capable of temporarily immobilizing a sample; proximate to the sample stage and within a predetermined angular range with respect to the source illumination of the sample, a narrow-band optical detector capable of detecting polarization angles from the illuminated sample; and in conjunction with the source and the detector, a linear polarization angle comparator for comparing a polarization of the source with a polarization maxima region measured by the detector.
Description: Optical polarization shift measuring system : United States Patent Patent No.: US 9,717,444 B2 Date of Patent: Aug. 1, 2017 / Mark Bosin, Kharkiv (UA), Seva Brodsky, Jerusalem (IL), Leonid Pasichnyk, Kharkiv (UA). - P. 1-14.
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