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dc.contributor.authorBosin, Mark-
dc.contributor.authorPasichnyk, Leonid-
dc.descriptionMethod of noninvasive measurement of blood glucose concentrations and apparatus for the implementation thereof : United States Patent : Patent no.: u s 10,299,706 B2 ; date of patent: May 28, 2019 / Applicant: Mark Bosin, Kharkov (UA) ; Inventors: Leonid Pasichnyk, Kharkov (UA).en_US
dc.description.abstractA method and apparatus for non-invasive blood glucose measurement are disclosed. The methods and apparatus utilize exposing a biological object supplied with blood and capable of transmitting infrared radiation therethrough, to an incident beam of polarized infrared radiation with a given angular position of a polarization plane, determining an angular position of a polarization plane of the radiation transmitted through the biological object with a polarizer- analyzer, and measuring an angle shift between said angular positions of the polarization planes of the incident and transmitted radiation, and calculating a glucose concentration C. The methods and apparatus further utilize measuring the length and oscillations of a whisker connected to the polarizer-analyzer and to a rigid support so as to calculate the instantaneous positions of the polarizer-analyzer.en_US
dc.subjectБіологічний об'єкт, неінвазивний, метод та пристрій, поляроїдний-аналізатор, концентрація глюкозиen_US
dc.subjectBiological object, non-invasive, method and apparatus, polarizer-analyzer, glucose concentrationsen_US
dc.subjectБиологический объект, неинвазивный, метод и устройство, поляроидный анализатор, концентрация глюкозыen_US
dc.titleMethod of noninvasive measurement of blood glucose concentrations and apparatus for the implementation thereofen_US
Appears in Collections:Патенти

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