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Назва: Organization of Students’ Educational Control Activities in Ukrainian High School
Автори: Panchenko, Violetta
Ключові слова: контроль, вища школа, навчальна діяльність, знання, вміння, навичка, студент
control, high school, educational activity, knowledge, skill, know-how, student.
контроль, высшая школа, образовательная деятельность, знания, умение, навык, студент
Дата публікації: 2017
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article deals with the organization of control procedures in high school to assess students’ learning outcomes. The problem has several aspects, including the tasks, requirements for control, its functions, types, forms and methods. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature as well as personal experience allows us to claim that control has to be systematic, educational, diagnostic, stimulating, developmental, manageable, evaluative, extensive, objective, unbiased, open and public. It performs monitoring, stimulating, educational, developmental, checking, adjuvant, consolidating, revising, correcting, encouraging, punitive, evaluative, intimidation, ascertaining, communicative, diagnostic, disciplinary, administrative functions. The most important types of control for educational purposes include preliminary, current, thematic and final control activities, which can be carried out in different forms: individual, group and frontal. Oral, written and standardized tests as control methods enjoy the widest popularity among Ukrainian high school teachers. The research proves that control activities are efficient only if they cover all the educational material and are differentiated according to the level of students’ knowledge.
Опис: Panchenko V. V. Organization of Students’ Educational Control Activities in Ukrainian High School. Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education : журнал. Ghana : KAD International, 2017. Vol. 4(2). P. 125–130.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1592
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