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Назва: Organization and content efficiency substantiation of a strengthened professional and applied physical training course for railway higher educational institution students
Автори: Yefremova, A.
Shеsterova, L.
Ключові слова: professional-applied physical training, railway engineers, physical training, experimental program, students, psycho-physiological preparedness
профессионально-прикладная физическая подготовка, инженеры железнодорожного транспорта, физическая подготовка, экспериментальная программа, студенты, психофизиологическая подготовленность
професійно-прикладна фізична підготовка, інженери залізничного транспорту, фізична підготовка, експериментальна програма, студенти, психофізіологічна підготовленість
Дата публікації: 2017
Короткий огляд (реферат): Purpose: to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the application of the experimental program for physical education with an intensified course of professional-applied physical training (PAPT) for students of I–II courses of railway specialties. Material & Methods: analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, physiological and psycho-physiological methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Result: obtained data after the introduction of the experimental program on physical education with an intensified course of professional-applied physical training, students of railway universities. Conclusion: analysis and generalization of the literature sources found the absence of a scientifically based program of PAPT for students of higher education institutions of the railway profile. The introduction in the educational process of physical edu¬cation of the experimental program on physical education with the strengthened course of the PAPT showed an increase in the level of physical, professionally applied physical and psycho-physiological readiness of students.
Опис: Yefremova A. Organization and content efficiency substantiation of a strengthened professional and applied physical training course for railway higher educational institution students / A. Yefremova, L. Shеsterova // Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport. – 2017. – № 4(60). – Р. 100–104.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repository.khpa.edu.ua//jspui/handle/123456789/1075
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